Sunday, January 9, 2011

6:30 am on Bedford Place

Top photo is of park in Regensburg.
Other photos are of Bedford Place, while we were waiting for a bus to Paddington Station.
Got up at 5:30 am for 9:35 flight from Heathrow to Munich. Arrived Paddington in record time, caught Heathrow Express, which immediately departed for the airport. NO lines at check in (had to check one bag) or security - and we were in the departure area by 8 am. Got decent coffee and breakfast at Giraffe, then waited for announcement of departure gate. Why do they announce the gate 20 minutes before departure, when it takes at least 15 minutes to walk to the gate even walking fast (at the speed of Himself)? Uff. Then we waited....

Pretty bumpy ride to Munich, but we got there almost on schedule. Then, yet another annoying experience with Thrifty Car Rental. This is the 3rd annoying experience I've had with them - and I say, "No More!" I'm going with "the big guys" despite my issues with corporate america. I had reserved with Thrifty because of their great prices, but after a wait of nearly half and hour (they didn't have much staff on, and those they had seemed to have trouble filling out the forms) it turned out since we don't have a Gold Plated MasterCArd we're required to buy collision insurance, which would more than double the cost. We don't have that kind of card, and our insurance is covered by the card we do have.

Abandoned that reservation, walked over the Hertz, got a car and were able to drive away in about 12 minutes. Interesting drive on the non-Autobahn highway up to Regensburg. As soon as we arrived here and checked into our hotel, we had to walk down and pay obeisance to the River Danube. I was afraid there might be a human sacrifice made, but, luckily, that didn't happen. The Donau was very close to flood stage, however, and there was ice floating in one of the side channels. The city is lovely right now, with Christmas lights and lighted trees on most of the buildings and in the city squares.

1 comment:

  1. Human sacrifice? Because you were just about ready to 'sacrifice' Himself, or vice versa?
